This is an article written and researched by D. Kenneth Lange, while a J.D. candidate at the University of the District of Columbia, during his internship at the National Housing Law Project.

The article highlights a historic case that was recently won in August 2009 in Westchester County, New York. The county has agreed to settle the case under the conditions that it build at least 750 new, affordable housing units. The majority of the houses will be built in towns with small minority populations. information about domain This is very important because it will tackle an essential reason why racial tension still exists in this country: residential segregation. Promoting diversity in our communities will go a long way to facilitating understanding and tolerance of our differences. It will also lead to an increase in diversity in the local schools and in the work place. Hopefully, this case will serve as a catalyst for similar cases to be brought across the country.

Historic Settlement Reached In Desegregation Case Against Westchester County