From Complex Evolution:

Can you imagine a game that allows the pieces to think and communicate?missing_puzzle_piece_shadowthm

Now imagine that a piece comes along and explains to the other pieces that they are pieces of a game. What would they think? What would they tell each other? How would this revelation affect the game? Would they care?

According to this theory, such a game does exist and we are the pieces. Your mind is directly involved in the game and is responsible for high level (language) functions of your mind and body. So, for example, when you kick a ball you are using language to explain or speak kicking the ball. Your consciousness can evolve when you perform these explanations under the influence of judgement. The judges (audience, spectators, viewers, referees) evolve by observation. The game evolves when the pieces evolve.

Mention the word evolution these days and the vast majority of people think of evolution in a biological context. What they don’t know is that the evolution of human consciousness is so much more important and interesting that biological evolution is dull and boring in comparison.

This is the first theory to combine human evolution, human consciousness, problem-solving, decision-making, information and language in a meaningful way. It has the potential to change the way people think about consciousness in humans and other animals. It is compatible with Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution but goes much further, including a strong focus on consciousness, the evolution of consciousness and the evolution of language.

A language problem has created an exciting new perspective of human evolution and human consciousness. According to this theory our ancestors made a clean break from other species with the arrival of language, which gave them the ability to solve complex problems, but language was (and still is) a serious problem. By applying this theory human consciousness, evolution, information, language and illnesses can be explained. The ability to process complex information is the essential difference between humans and other species. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is only a small part of a much bigger picture. Genetic evolution is simple evolution.

This theory is also about the evolution of skill. Humans are evolving the necessary skills and awareness to become aware of the most incredible, skillful, evolving, information-sharing, creative game. It explains that all skills are language skills and that they evolve by playing games within the game.

It describes the extremely important role of judgement in evolution and in everyday life.

It provides an explanation of how information is managed, how it flows, how it evolves and how information-processing evolves. It describes two distinct types of information. This theory describes the human brain’s struggle to meet the requirements of processing and expressing complex information.

Not only do living things evolve but consciousness, information, language, complexity, meaning and skill also evolve and you are part of the process through your ability to process and share complex information. The ability to share important information improves over time, accelerating the evolution of information.

This website describes the important role played by humans in the evolution of information and at the same time answers major questions about consciousness in humans and other animals. A significant milestone in the evolution of information will occur when the human race becomes aware of its involvement in this process. If something can happen then, given enough time, it will. Information can evolve, so it does, until eventually the time comes when the system can explain itself via the human brain. Consciousness meets consciousness. Evolution has a clear direction. As information evolves in complexity, the complex information processing human brain will eventually achieve a total awareness of itself and its environment.

Incredibly, the vast majority of people simply aren’t interested in knowing why they are doing what they are doing. Instead of arguing about science vs religion they could be discovering why they are arguing.

Although it has a legacy from prehistoric times, the human brain has evolved into is a multitasking, information-processing gateway between two universes, but there are two fundamentally different subsystems (the “primitive” brain and the “complex” brain) competing for control. This balancing act combined with the fragile nature of the human brain can easily lead to catastrophe (illnesses).

This theory extends the 150-year-old theory of evolution to include human consciousness, language, information, complexity, skill and much more. Importantly, it goes further than anything else to unite consciousness with evolution and science with religion. It explains relationships between mental and physical problems and it also explains how conscious processes and personality traits are preserved across lifetimes. It makes genetic (simple) evolution look trivial and overrated.

The theory claims that the human brain’s language skills couldn’t have resulted from genetic evolution (alone). Instead, complex language is an advanced extension of a primitive, predetermined neural network which provides the ego with the ability to make simple, selfish, opportunistic decisions – which unfortunately still play a significant role in society as a transition towards skill (and an understanding of skill) takes place over thousands of years. A game of Prisoner’s Dilemma is slowly evolving towards a more meaningful game.

A language problem has created an exciting new perspective of human evolution and human consciousness. According to this theory our ancestors made a clean break from other species with the arrival of language, which gave them the ability to solve complex problems, but language was (and still is) a serious problem. By applying this theory human consciousness, evolution, information, language and illnesses can be explained. The ability to process complex information is the essential difference between humans and other species. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is only a small part of a much bigger picture. Genetic evolution is simple evolution.

This theory is also about the evolution of skill. Humans are evolving the necessary skills and awareness to become aware of the most incredible, skillful, evolving, information-sharing, creative game. It explains that all skills are language skills and that they evolve by playing games within the game.

It describes the extremely important role of judgement in evolution and in everyday life.

It provides an explanation of how information is managed, how it flows, how it evolves and how information-processing evolves. It describes two distinct types of information. This theory describes the human brain’s struggle to meet the requirements of processing and expressing complex information.

Not only do living things evolve but consciousness, information, language, complexity, meaning and skill also evolve and you are part of the process through your ability to process and share complex information. The ability to share important information improves over time, accelerating the evolution of information.

This website describes the important role played by humans in the evolution of information and at the same time answers major questions about consciousness in humans and other animals. A significant milestone in the evolution of information will occur when the human race becomes aware of its involvement in this process. If something can happen then, given enough time, it will. Information can evolve, so it does, until eventually the time comes when the system can explain itself via the human brain. Consciousness meets consciousness. Evolution has a clear direction. As information evolves in complexity, the complex information processing human brain will eventually achieve a total awareness of itself and its environment.

Incredibly, the vast majority of people simply aren’t interested in knowing why they are doing what they are doing. Instead of arguing about science vs religion they could be discovering why they are arguing.

Although it has a legacy from prehistoric times, the human brain has evolved into is a multitasking, information-processing gateway between two universes, but there are two fundamentally different subsystems (the “primitive” brain and the “complex” brain) competing for control. This balancing act combined with the fragile nature of the human brain can easily lead to catastrophe (illnesses).

This theory extends the 150-year-old theory of evolution to include human consciousness, language, information, complexity, skill and much more. Importantly, it goes further than anything else to unite consciousness with evolution and science with religion. It explains relationships between mental and physical problems and it also explains how conscious processes and personality traits are preserved across lifetimes. It makes genetic (simple) evolution look trivial and overrated.

The theory claims that the human brain’s language skills couldn’t have resulted from genetic evolution (alone). Instead, complex language is an advanced extension of a primitive, predetermined neural network which provides the ego with the ability to make simple, selfish, opportunistic decisions – which unfortunately still play a significant role in society as a transition towards skill (and an understanding of skill) takes place over thousands of years. A game of Prisoner’s Dilemma is slowly evolving towards a more meaningful game.

Consciousness and the (unknown) game co-evolve in complexity until the magical time comes when humans see the connection and realise that they’ve been playing the game. A complex, evolving, hierarchical, recursive, problem-solving, information-sharing game. Consciousness “catches up” to the moving target. Solving small problems eventually solves the bigger problem. The problem of consciousness has an incredible solution. Everything suddenly falls into place and all of the important arguments are settled.

Human consciousness isn’t just slightly different to the consciousness of other animals. It is fundamentally different. The human brain might look like something you’d find in a rubbish dump but the inner workings are incredible.

According to this theory complex language provides the ability to solve complex problems. But complex language is a problem and language problems are problem-solving problems. The requirements of language are a huge problem. For example schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and panic attacks are all language problems. They are associated with failing to meet the requirements of a complex language in a complex, modern society. Ironically, primitive creatures are more suited to the environment because they don’t have to deal with the problem of language and therefore they don’t suffer from problem-solving problems.

As a brain matures it is provided with the skills – as required – to think and communicate using a complex language. Importantly, a human brain can adapt to the requirements of language, providing an avenue for the evolution of skill.

This theory describes why a human chasing a ball is nothing like a dog chasing a ball. For humans it’s a complex problem that has to be solved. It’s a language problem. The solution is an expression of meaningful information. This theory solves the mind-body problem and bridges the explanatory gap by explaining how explanations are created.

This is an exciting, inspiring, provocative interpretation of reality based on personal experience, reasoning and scientific evidence. It unites physical evolution, consciousness, conscious evolution, the brain, the mind, information, the evolution of information, language, communication, judgement, quantum mechanics, religion, spirituality, dualism, the soul, viruses, mental illnesses and more – by simply putting together the pieces of the puzzle.

It combines game theory, information theory, complexity theory, systems theory and other disjointed theories into a single, logical theory.

It describes human consciousness from different perspectives including psychology, philosophy, neurology, behaviour, information-processing, problem-solving, decision-making and memory. It describes an important interplay between performances, judgement and conscious evolution.

This is a comprehensive, general theory of evolution, far better than anything else so far. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is transformed into a mind-blowing theory of everything.

This theory is based on direct experience of a language problem. It explains why using a complex language is a problem-solving skill. It explains that an expression of complex information is a performance and how judgement influences performances. It explains how language problems are problem-solving problems and how they account for a vast array of illnesses in humans. This theory is a solution to that problem-solving problem.

Human consciousness – the great problem-solver – evolves when audiences judge performances.

This theory bridges the gap between science and spirituality. It is the most logical case so far for the existence of God, but it doesn’t promote any particular religion nor does it contradict scientific evidence. Ongoing evolution is a basic requirement. It isn’t about Creationism or Intelligent Design. It’s about processes, systems and intelligent adaptation to a complex universe. You’re playing a complex, evolving game and your skills are improving through experience.

Sound crazy? Hang on. What if this theory unites all fields of scientific inquiry much more effectively than anything else so far? Well it does. In that case it’s best if you reconsider.

If you think this isn’t important you need to think again.

People joke about life being a game. The funniest thing is that they’re playing a game without knowing. It’s the game that everyone can agree on.

Source: Complex Evolution