“Sound is the basis for form and shape.”

Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, which can be displayed by placing sand or water on a surface above a speaker. Sound is played through the speaker, resulting in different patterns becoming visible. An increase in the frequency of the tone, or a higher pitch, generally correlates in more complex designs. I find this pretty extraordinary because it provides a lens in which to view sound, something I generally only perceive through my ears. It’s a type of that challenges me to apply a wider interpretation of reality than previously held. What comes to mind in particular, are the connections cymatics creates between visual arts, music, and our moods and thoughts. Although all different mediums, they each can stir similar feelings within us. Additionally, cymatics suggests sound may play a bigger role in the structure of the universe than previously believed. I don’t consider myself a religious person, but I do believe that religious texts (the Quran, Bible, etc.) may provide a deeper understanding of our reality through myths than atheists or agnostics are willing to accept (for more on this, consider . For me, myths are not to be taken literally, but are to be interpreted metaphorically. Relevant to this topic, John 1:1 from the Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” More than anything, I focus on the importance sound is given in this phrase. That, coupled with Hans Jenny’s statement that sound is the basis for form and shape, along with (the basis of the universe is composed of multi-dimensional vibrating strings), and the theory that we may live in a , all make me wonder if sound may be the hidden director behind our universe. Is the universe a reflection of sound emanating from an unknown, un-seen source? For more on cymatics, consider watching

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the video below, Cymatics: Bringing Matter To Life With Sound, by Hans Jenny, the man who coined the term cymatics: