Establishing Contact aims to help illuminate the possibility that we are not alone in the cosmos and we never have been.

Cellular Memory Lapse

The perennial & existential question, “Are we alone in the universe?” seems to permeate from the very core of our being. Traditionally science has been searching for this answer by looking through telescopes, launching satellite probes, or listening to radio microwaves from deep space. They are constantly looking out there. These are fine methods, but they are by no means the only paths into unraveling this deep mystery. There are other perspectives & lenses which may help us to see the larger picture. And when peering through these lenses as a whole, we may gain new insights into this eternal question. And ultimately, the answer could be much closer than we think. Rather than the mystery being something which resides out there beyond us, it may be right here deep within us. The extraterrestrial truth which seems so elusive could actually be embedded in our very own psyche and DNA. Diving deep into the extraterrestrial question, we may need to explore ourselves at the levels of cellular memory, evolution, and consciousness.

Reawakening Cosmic Awareness

We live in singular times. Indeed we always have. But what is noticeably different about “these times” is our actual experience of time. The very nature of time, evolution and ourselves is dramatically changing at an ever increasing and exponential rate. And with that, our entire worldview and cosmology are quickly evolving and expanding. The universe which was once thought of as a barren, cold and lifeless void, has now been discovered to contain billions of extrasolar earth-like planets, a quantum field of potential energy and even alien microbes. The deeper we look it seems, the more we see and the more we become.

Establishing Contact

This site endeavors to demonstrate a linkup between archaic knowledge, leading edge science and physics, indigenous wisdom traditions, ancient artifacts, consciousness, disclosure, entheogens, technology, art and pop culture. Helping to re-frame the extraterrestrial subject matter in a fresh light, it hopes to reach a new and expanded audience whom have not taken seriously this subject matter or have given it little consideration. By elevating the quality of curation, design & communication it hopes to bestow more credibility, viability and integrity to the extraterrestrial reality & phenomenon. Yet above all else, Establishing Contact desires to act as a trigger for cosmic remembrance and usher in a our grand galactic homecoming.


Establishing Contact conveys its information through 7 different lenses: ancestors, art, consciousness, disclosure, people, sightings, technology.

AncestorsDo stories of star people told by the ancient wisdom keepers & the indigenous elders reveal evidence of extraterrestrial contact?

Modern western society & it”s media have historically treated the UFO/Extraterrestrial subject with heavy skepticism and ridicule. However, if one looks to what the indigenous & ancient cultures of the world have to share, it”s rather illuminating and profound. From the Zulu Tribe in S Africa, the Sumerians, Indians of North America, Dogon tribe of W. Africa, the Hopi Elders – they all have stories of star people which have visited humanity for thousands of years, bringing with them cosmic knowledge, profound wisdom and spiritual guidance.

ArtIs there an underlying galactic sub-conscious revealing itself through contemporary media and art?

From the sacred geometric encodings of to artists such as Mariko Mori, Karl Stockhausen, Alexandrio Garcia, Virgil Finley and many others, there is a prevailing theme of galactic proportions. The aesthetic trend towards all things cosmic – “Cosmic Aesthetics”, reveals contemporary artists, designers and musicians who are incorporating heavy cosmic themes into their work. Are these artists expressing a collective awakening, a past awareness or even a foreshadowing?

ConsciousnessCould the key to establishing contact with other intelligences be consciousness itself?

For centuries altered states of consciousness have afforded humans with transcendental, otherworldly experiences. Many of which involve contact with other beings, intelligences and inter-demensionals. DMT (demithyltriptamine) is one molecule especially known for it”s propensity in these realms. Found in nature in almost every plant and animal, it also resides deep within our own brain in the pineal gland, or what mystics call the third eye. Could this endogenous chemical compound, be the ultimate link-up technology to make contact with other sentient intelligent beings in the universe and other dimensions as the work of Professor Rick Strassman suggests? Are magic mushrooms a possible E.T. technology to seed life on planets, as Terrence Mckenna”s muses? Perhaps the visionary Ayahuasca paintings of Pablo Amaringo are portals into off-world civilizations. And maybe psychoactive plants are only one of many methods of contact avail to us. Steven Greer M.D. and his group CSETI routinely make E.T. contact using coherent thought sequencing, remote viewing, and traditions of Vedic meditation. Dr. Greer contends that consciousness and the space of pure awareness is where our galactic family are ready to commune with us – anytime, anywhere.

DisclosureAre the governments of the world keeping hush the truth on the E.T. reality?

An Associated Press poll reveals that 80% of Americans believe that our governments are hiding the truth about ufo”s. The other 20% believe it is total nonsense. What cannot be debated is the fact that over the course of the last decade, hundreds of whistleblowers from all stripes – gov”t agencies, FBI, CIA, military, aeronautical, and even NASA astronauts have been coming forth in an effort to press the government”s of the world to disclose what they know. There was one event in particular which really kickstarted this movement, the Disclosure Project press conference in May 9, 2001. Spearheaded by Dr. Steven Greer, this unprecedented event brought public awareness of the issue and gave confidence for other whistleblowers to come out and tell the truth of what they also know. Is all of this an intended and coordinated slow release to get the public prepared for an official announcement? Or is the collective awakening of consciousness really about the re-imagining of ourselves as galactic citizens in a populated universe?

PeopleAre the proponents and researchers of the E.T. phenomenon just a bunch of crackpots?

Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard professor, an indigenous elder, a writer-psychonaut-researcher, a computer hacker, an avant garde composer, a british actor and an astronaut just to name a few.   People from all walks of life somehow find themselves inexplicably engaged in this subject matter. They represent a vivid tapestry of backgrounds, culture and expertise.  And the synchronistic stories of how many of them went from non-believers to believers are often intriguing in there own right.   Is it possible that all of us contain an integral piece of the cosmic mystery, perhaps embedded deep in our DNA by an advanced extraterrestrial species as Francis Crick postulates?

SightingsDo we require our own direct experience with a ufo or non-terrestial intelligence to believe in an extraterrestrial reality?

Most people tend to be non-believers until they have their own direct experience. MUFON, the national UFO reporting network, takes in around 70,000 reports a year of people who claim they have sighted or experienced something of what they deem, non-terrestial in nature. But in lieu of having your own unique experience, you can look to the experience of others. In our western culture however, we are more prone to believe someone well known, whether they be famous, celebrity, or hold some notable position in society. Prominent people such as actor Danny Deyer visiting a ufo hotspot in Oregon, NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper revealing his experiences of advanced propulsion technology, or former white house chief of staff John Podesta calling for governments to come clean. There are also large group sightings such as the famous Phoenix Lights case in AZ, witnessed by thousands including the governor. Or the dozens of schoolchildren in South Africa whom shared a group experience of other worldly beings at recess. One thing is for sure, these people had something deeply profound and unexplainable happen to them, which changed their lives forever.

TechnologyIf we have been visited for hundreds if not thousands of years, could we already have access to advanced free energy technologies and anti-gravity systems?

If we are not alone in the universe, and our governments and others have been working with off world advanced civilizations, then could we already have in our possession the means to completely revise and upgrade our energy grid to be completely sustainable and open. This idea is nothing radical or new. Brilliant inventors throughout history such as Nikola Tesla and John Searl have theorized, and even devised, advanced methods of harnessing the space/time vacuum of energy into something which could power the planet wide over. Some researchers suggest that the dark energy which comprises 73% of the universe, actually contains an energetic stratum which could be potentially tapped into.

Sources: EC & Lenses