Official Trailer: The Recess Ends from B-Rilla on Vimeo.

This article is about a documentary named The Recess Ends which was directed and produced by Austin and Brian Chu.  Here’s the preimise: they hopped into their van and traveled across the country documenting their discussions and interactions with Americans during the heart of the recession.  What they learned, and show is a message that doesn’t carry any political, religious, or ideological themes, but something much simpler … we all have basic needs and that if we see past our superficial differences and begin start looking at our similarities we can rebuild our communities and this nation.  Philosopher and activist Grace Lee Bogs says, “This American revolution is going to be different from other revolutions, because it is going to require giving up things rather than acquiring things.  We’ve been consuming like crazy, we’ve been making money like crazy and… well, Humpty Dumpty.”

The Recess Ends